The title of this post is taken from Zechariah 2:7, but the reason for this post is very short. I simply want to give the meaning of the word "Babylon" and connect it to what is going on in the world today. The word Babylon in the Bible is the Hebrew word "babel". The word means "confusion" and originates from the events that occurred at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). It comes from the root word "balal" which means "to mix together". So the entire meaning of the word is given in that Babel is "confusion by mixing things together"... or like when you would say, "you have that all mixed up". (It is also very closely related to the English word babble, which is nonsensical speaking.) At that time (in Genesis 11), man had begun to build a tower to the heavens to save themselves from a possible second flood, and God came down and confused all of their languages to prevent them from building the tower too far and taking stock in supplying their own salvation. The story has close connections to what is going on today.
Today people all over the earth are working together to come up with answers to every question under the sun. Nations are working together in the fields of science, politics, education, finance and numerous other areas to advance our civilization to heights that have never before been reached. There is just one problem with that: as cultures come together more and more, the morals and ethics of those cultures are getting all mixed together and the once distinct cultural systems are changing over time. You see a lot of this mixing occurring in the entertainment world and, with all deceitfulness, there are a lot of hard hitting immoral lessons that are being delivered with sugary-sweet, catchy pop beats. We in North America are seeing things that were once considered to be immoral by the very people that founded our nations being thought of as moral under a new ideology - things which are directly opposed to the Word of God. And God has told us, "I am the Lord, I change not (Malachi 3:6);" and again "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law [the Word of God], till all be fulfilled (Matthew 5:18)." So when nations that founded themselves on the laws and precepts of God begin to change what is right, it won't be too long before He's coming down to put a stop to it, just like He did at the Tower of Babel. We're getting closer and closer to that time my friends.
The Bible has clearly laid out what the events are that lead up to the end of this age, so don't be someone who gets carried off into Babylon, which is to say "confusion", because there are people out there who want to mix everything together and confuse it. Examine the Bible, let it be your foundation and your tower, and you won't be lead astray. God bless.